Hi, I’m Katie, the maker of these beautiful small people and the founder of Boobbix.
After having my eldest daughter, I found myself, like every other new mum, exhausted and slightly overwhelmed and struggling with not being able to pump enough to allow anyone else to feed her. After some research, I found out about lactation cookies, but they weren’t really available in the UK and importing them was expensive. So, with a love of baking, I set about making my own, and after playing with the recipes to get the balance of taste and effect right, I started sharing these delicious breastfeeding snacks with other mums.
We use the best quality ingredients and base everything around four key ingredients: brewers yeast, oats, fenugreek and flaxseed. The Boobbix bakery team bake in small batches to ensure quality and freshness, and ship daily to make sure that you get your cookies as quickly as possible.
Fast forward six years, two children and 20,000+ mamas later, and we are making delicious lactation snacks and drinks that sell worldwide to help other mamas to save them the extensive googling that I had to do. Being a mama is enough work without having to faff around with buying ingredients and trying to make cookies that will taste good, so let us take the hard work away from you!
Breastfeeding was, and still is, such a huge part of my life, and having the knowledge that I had a product made for me as a breastfeeding mum, gave me more confidence to keep going for as long as we wanted to. I love that we can help support other mamas in their feeding journey.
If you have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you on the contact page.